Is this the new normal?
Everybody 6 feet apart
You know it’s bad when the Price is Right has come to this. The best part about the show is to watch the reactions of all the people when they call their names. Well we can’t see that no more. Now the people come from backstage. They used to come and hug Drew or jump in his arms and almost knock him down, well that’s not happening.
You could actually stop the show right there because some people come running, dancing and skipping. One time there was even a man that came flipping and doing cartwheels all the way down the aisle, talk about funny. People running down the aisle hugging complete strangers. When they would win they would run and hug the models, not anymore, now everybody has to stand 6 to 8 feet apart even when they spinning the big wheel.
There’s no audience, only one person standing by the wheel at a time spinning, as the other person waits on the sidelines. Everybody 6 feet apart

Is this the new normal?

Oh God if only our ancestors could see us now.
Is this the age of the Jetsons? Is this the new normal?
Dinner on the street in a bubble like the basketball games I talked about in my other article.

Gloves, masks oh my, do I want to eat here?
Why haven’t anybody come up with a mask that you can eat with?

Who’s zooming who

Has technology taken over our lives? Are we robots or are we using robots for everything.
We no longer vacuum we use rumba.

Alexa and siry have become our best friends, so we don’t even have to use our minds for anything, she even talks to us. One of the most dangerous and unnecessary technologies to me is self-driving cars.
So somebody said lets invent a technology that helps people get into more accidents like it aint enough already. They already are so distracted with phones, kids, eating, putting on makeup going 80-100 MPH, let’s make it so they can read too, add this in like the test dummies they use in the car and let’s see what happens.
Apps for anything and everything, even for getting dates. We don’t even need to go get food, we can just use door dash or uber eats.

If you feeling like you want a challenge you can order Blue Apron or Hello Fresh and they will send you everything you need to make a gourmet meal.

Now mind you all of this stuff is extremely expensive and you need to sign up for it, which means you get to have some more passwords to remember, oh but wait there is an app for that too, you don’t even have to remember your passwords.
When did we become so clueless. God forbid you lose your phone or it crashes, no more apps, no more Alexa, no food for you, no rides. No contacts, hell you can’t even call your mother because you don’t know her number. You are s.o.o.l
This reminds me of the TV show Person of Interest where the computer controls the whole world and everybody in it.


and Dark Angel where we live in a police state and the government justify their controlling of everything.
But is this is the new normal.
How about the fact that we can’t even go to the doctor unless it’s a sure emergency, which means you are practically on your death bed. We have telehealth an app to talk to the doctor and we disrobe for him/her and show them what’s wrong with us, so basically we are stripping for complete strangers and they aint making it rain if you know what I mean. No dollar bills down our underwear.
The new normal is this really what the world has come to. The Rona has took over our lives and not the rona from Mary Tyler Moore show.
Are we really this lazy that we don’t even want to drive ourselves? It’s bad enough we can’t go down the street without a GPS and she sometimes don’t know where she going and she recalculating, or she ask us to do something stupid or dangerous like make a u turn right here on the highway. I know because I almost did what she said, because I am the Queen of getting lost ask anybody who knows me.
We don’t even want to get grocery or even cook, or get up and turn on the lights. Back in the old days we had our children as a remote control, now we just need to clap on or clap off with the clapper. Now we got Alexa to cut on the TV, the lights, even close the garage from a parachute and anything else that Alexa is connected to. They call that a smart house, I guess before it was a dumb house or we was.
One of the best inventions in my opinions is the remote start. I know some people love this for the summer so their car can be cool, but I love it for the opposite. I’m not gone lie and say that I don’t appreciate this, because I do especially for these cold winter days here in Green Bay. It almost makes me forget that it’s winter, because I get in my warm and cozy car in the middle of winter and drive to my designation. I didn’t have to sit in my cold car and wait for it to warm up.
A simple beep beep and it starts itself and if you leave the heater on it warms itself.
So I’m not saying that all technology is bad I’m just simply saying that we all wonder why most of us are obese, lazy and unhealthy.
The microwave is one of the greatest inventions, but I do think that the radiation it’s putting in our bodies definitely is not a good thing, but what can you do. When you look at the Mormons who don’t use a lot of technology they are much healthier than we are.
When you are in the hospital and you have been laying there awhile, the nurses always want you to get up and walk; if possible, because your muscles will atrophy if you don’t get up and walk. That old saying if you don’t use it you will lose it, is true for a lot of stuff, think about it. How many of us know any phone numbers by hard. We don’t because they all stored in our phones.
Don’t get me started with the phones and all the other forms of communication devices we have. As I said in my other article God is funny. He recognized that we didn’t care about actually being with people as long as we had our devices, well now that we all miss each other; so much so that we are willing to jeopardize each other by gathering in groups just to be together, guess what we can’t and the only thing we can do is use these devices.
Thanksgiving will not be the same for many of us, especially those who lost loved ones because of this covid. In the meanwhile the orange one the head of this country said it would just go away or we could drink some bleach, or rubbing alcohol or whatever CRAZY thing he said.
However; this is still America land of the free. The most revered country in the world, but let’s not lose focus on what’s really important trying to be the most tech savvy country, that we are willing to put our lives in danger so we can be the fastest internet with this 5G, yeah that’s just what we need more radiation. Some of the best things happen slow; think about it.
How about we let this pandemic wake us up and guide us to what’s really important, love for God and one another. To loving the time with our loved ones, actually having a conversation with people, caring about somebody besides ourselves, helping each other, being grateful, and giving of your time even if it is through zoom, portal, skype, snapchat, duo, since we can’t physically be together. You would be surprised what a positive affect that could have on a person who feels all alone with nobody to talk to, because technology is not gone stop and smell the roses and enjoy the life God has given us, but we can.
Can that be the new normal?