So, I guess yall don’t mind living like this again, since yall don’t want to get out and vote, well we headed in that direction. I know some of yall seem to think that it’s not possible, but look at how they killing us, it may not be lynching, but at the end of the day we dead. Look at what’s happening with voting, with abortion, with black history in schools, just to name a few. I know a lot of yall didn’t think that America would be a country that we had to worry about clean water. That only happens in 3rd world countries but ask the people in Flint Michigan with no clean water for over 10 years. Ask Mississippi, or Alabama why they call certain areas cancer alley. It’s because everybody who lives in that area has died or is dying of cancer. They thought those days of using an outhouse were over, I guess not. We are literally funding our own oppression by not getting involved in the voting process, never mind the fact that folks were murdered so we could vote. I guess that don’t matter to yall. Well let me tell yall a story. I was talking to a young white man, and I asked him did he vote and he said he had not, so I said, ok you must want the orange man to win, and to my surprise he said that he had voted for him and so had his parents. So, I asked him would he still vote for him even after all he has done, rape, stealing, and everything and to my shock he said I don’t care about what he did I’m still gone vote for him. So I’m saying this to say, you mean to tell me that we can’t vote for the old man that has been keeping his campaign promises as best as he could, considering he has a lot of the republicans against him, especially given the fact that most politicians don’t keep their promises.  Just because you not in love with him, or he aint who you want, or because of his age, and this man is voting for a rapist, thief, and a thug who aint done NOTHING FOR POOR WHITE PEOPLE.


So get ready to go back, way back. They already killing us. They already making sure that our kids won’t learn black history or any learning since the schools in our community are subpar at best. They already told us where we can’t live. They already made sure that we can’t have our own businesses. They already made sure that we can’t travel without getting killed by a police or ANY WHITE PERSON. I guess we need to go back to the green book.

They already tried to stop us from voting.

They already are making sure that we die from sickness that could be cured with good healthcare, and the list can go and on until the break of dawn.

This is the reason why they are trying to take away EVERYTHING that has helped to advance black people. TAKE A GOOD LOOK.

Black Doctor

Black Lawyer

Black Pilot

Youngest Black Mayor

Black Dean

Katanji Brown Jackson 1st black woman Judge on the Supreme Court.

Kamala Harris 1st black and Asian woman Vice-President

Barack Hussein Obama 1st Black President

This is what they don’t want to see.

They don’t like to see us together, happy and thriving.

If you don’t mind living in your one room shack with rats and roaches, a slumlord to take your rent, in the middle of a war zone, with no good grocers, horrible schools, raggedy streets, no jobs, no grass, no trees or birds, polluted air and water, and no money, then by all means don’t vote. Not the primaries or the presidential election, but if you like living the kind of life that God intended for you to live with purpose, peace, love, joy, happiness, unity, equality, healthy, and with vitality, then you must vote for Biden.

NO VOTE IS VOTING FOR trump and the good old slavery, jim crow days for ALL POOR PEOPLE. If you forgot what the good old days look like, scroll up to the top and take a good look, and that’s just a small example of what it will be like if we let them take us back to THEIR good ole days it definitely WASN’T OURS!!!