Let me get this straight if you white you can get your grandfathers AR 15 sporting rifle that’s very accurate and is used for hunting and target shooting and is said to be for fun shooting, carry it across state lines because your 2nd amendment right to bear arms is protected, even if the state you going to is open carry, but only if you are at least 21 and a resident of Wisconsin with a license here and not just where you live. To travel to protect anybody’s property that you have no stake in, from looting, but while doing this noble deed you kill two people and wound another and somehow you get off Scott free and I don’t mean the tissue.

(Firearm industry trade association and DOJ info about gun laws)

Most of us knew when the judge threw the weapon case out, and then let him pick his own jury which is normally done by the clerk. (What is this the price is right or let’s make a deal for a persons life), and then he cried those crocodile tears for his academy award or as a celebrity said his “white tears” we knew what the outcome was gone be.

Kyle Rittenhouse Found Not Guilty in Fatal Shooting of 2 Men |


What a lot of people don’t realize is that this sets a precedent for future purposes like that stand your ground law where that grown man was able to kill a child, but what it also says to our white brothers and sisters is; that if you stand with the black people you will be gunned down like an animal too. In history; black people know this to be true, because the proud boys oops, I mean the kkk killed Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner along with James Chaney who was black for helping to register black people to vote in Mississippi.

Black people we should be just as mad because these white boys stood up for us. They were somebody’s son, brother, and friend. Where yall at? White people don’t let them sway you with that decision, because then, they win and I mean they win the world and that’s the last thing we need now after getting this far. Just recognize and remember what they think of you and adjust and move differently.

We are getting so close to a law that will prohibit certain people, places and situations where they can’t carry guns. We finally got them to stop making that bump stock. We helped to make a law where it’s illegal to do choke holds and no knock warrants. Brianna Taylor’s life wasn’t in vain. So I’m appealing to the black and white and in between people not to stop marching for what’s right for EVERYBODY.

This boy went hunting and anybody who came in the vicinity of him was shot down like a dirty dog, but yall say it was self defense. HUH!

For the last 25 years I have lived in Wisconsin and I know it is a hunting state and I recognize that and I’m good with it, but with that being said I am never comfortable with kids with guns, although they teach their children how to hunt as early as 8 years old. I still don’t like it and since this is deer hunting season, there is usually some accidental shootings in the woods, that’s why they wear those loud orange suits, but every year without fail there is always an accidental shooting and sometimes a death.

I know that the 2nd amendment says we have the right to bear arms, but when we let anybody and everybody have a gun, even with strict laws, somehow the crazy people always seem to be able to get a gun and parents are always none the wiser; when it’s all said and done. That’s what happened with all those mass shootings. Somebody who knew somebody else was able to get a gun and give to their crazy cousin or friend who just lost his job, or his woman left him, or somebody dissed him and here we go mass casualties.

Sometimes I feel like we back in the western days, but at least back then you had to be doing something to get shot; now you don’t have to be doing nothing. You literally could be getting burger king, getting grocery, shopping at the mall, at a concert, in church, looking at a movie, driving your car, sleeping in your bed, or even sitting in your boxers eating frosted flakes in your own home and get shot and killed. Lord Please!!!

The sad part about all of this is there is no closure for the families of the three men shot and the two men killed. As a mom all I could think about was what if that was my son. Who was standing up for righteousness. But now they will never get to see their son again while this murderer walks free. How do we get past this as a country? As Fannie Lou Hamer said she sick and tired of being sick and tired and so are we, but we must never give up. We got to be the change that we want to see in this world. For us, our children, our grandchildren, great-grandchildren and people all over the world who believed what MLK, Ghandi, and Mother Teresa, stood for. They stood for peace, unity and love for your brothers and sisters, because we are our brothers keeper. I refuse to let only pictures of Kyle be all that we see in these next few weeks, so I choose to post these faces as well.

It’s a sad world when somebody try to stop a murderer from executing others and get blamed himself for getting shot saying; they deserve it because of their past indiscretions they dug up to justify their murder. SO SO SO SAD. SHAME ON YOU AMERICA!!!