James Baldwin says, to be black in America is to be in rage all the time.

I’m dedicating this article to all my WHITE RACIST PEOPLE!


Thank you white racist people for showing your true colors on nationwide television all around the world in a place of honor during a swearing-in ceremony, even at the detriment of your own wife. Yall seen it when senator Deb Fischer a republican herself and her republican husband Bruce Fischer wouldn’t shake Madam Vice-President Kamala Harris hand, BUT WAIT, didn’t he have a bible in his hand. So did pastors, deacons and ministers in the Jim Crow days as they hung black people while wearing sheets over their faces.

JUST BEING BLACK he didn’t want to shake her hand. He had so much hatred in public, but in the slavery days they were raping black women like her because she was pretty, and light skinned. They look for black women on the corner, on the internet, in the X-rated videos, in the backrooms of the speak easy and on stage.

So much for better days and a brighter future. Yet Vice-President Kamala with a smile on her face and joy in her heart and a joke to ease the tension, “I’m not gone bite” she was ever so diplomatic, dignified and distinguished with decorum.

This joy that we have the world didn’t give it and the world can’t take it away, so no matter what you do to us WHITE RACIST MEN we still gone have joy because it’s God’s grace inside us that gives us this joy.

Something I’ve come to realize about white racist people they need stuff to be happy. They need to be in control of somebody or something to be happy. That’s why you see them taking pictures with sharks in cages, with lions, tigers, bears, OH MY! snakes, crocodiles, and then on the front page you hear about them being attacked, poisoned, or killed.

We hear about this all the time on the news. When I am out in these streets driving for work. I see the unhappiness and misery on their faces. What I also see is how they look at me driving, like how did she get that job oh a DEI hire, because it’s definitely not a BLACK JOB. When they see us laughing, happy, smiling, enjoying ourselves, especially when it’s a group of us. They don’t understand it, because they know we are going through, struggling, barely making it as THEY ARE TOO, and most of the time it’s because of them that we feel stressed out with their not-so-subtle micro aggressive ways. What they don’t know is we have been here before, we not acting brand new in this racist country and we refuse to let white racist people break us down doing the most. We know exactly how to act and what to expect. Just like now in this horrible political climate with everything going up against us,


The next day after the orange Mussolini won, they were coming into the jobs all across America saying and acting like they was so happy just to try to irritate black folks, but we saw this coming around the corner, so we were not surprised, but they was. Once again, like I said they need things to be happy and when that doesn’t go the way they thought it was gone go they have that (FAFO)face. They’re miserable.  That’s why they really have HATRED and VITRIOL for us now. It’s not our fault #WE TRIED TO TELL YALL ASS!

JUST BEING BLACK has horrible outcomes in this so-called United States of America, RACISM IS A HEALTH CRISIS.

Going to the grocery store, eating in the restaurant, going to the gas station, being in school, sitting at home, driving from work, walking in your neighborhood, calling the police for help, going to the gym, or staying at a hotel.

What white racist people don’t realize, don’t know, or don’t care is that all we want to do is live a life of freedom. We are not trying to take anything from you, compete with you, take revenge on you, or be like you, we just want what’s rightfully ours and to be LEFT ALONE!

Most of your complaints against us, you brought upon yourselves, because of your racism. You didn’t want us to go to school with you, so we created our own college in the basement of a church.

IF white racist people would have accepted us at school, we wouldn’t have had to create our own college. So don’t get mad that most of the best doctors, lawyers, judges and politicians went to HBCU’S. SORRY NOT SORRY!

IF white racist people would have recognized that we were more than capable to get the job, then we wouldn’t have had to invent damn near EVERYTHING in this world and realize our dream and our careers. We didn’t become inventors for you, we did this for us to make our work easier as we worked FOR YOU.

IF white racist people would have recognized that we were more than capable to get the apartment, or house, we wouldn’t have a need for the department of housing and urban development, (HUD)

IF white racist people would face the fact that their white privileged counterparts made the mistake of pushing us out of  the suburbs. We wouldn’t have had to move to the inner city where its more convenient to public transportation and the downtown area.

IF white racist people would admit that they never wanted black people to live in a decent neighborhood and that’s why so many of our communities are abandoned and condemned that once belonged to slumlords who didn’t do shit but collect the rent. That’s why we have ghettos.

IF white racist people would admit that EVERYWHERE they go they TAKE. They want your neighborhood, so they work hand in hand with the slumlord after he drain the people from all their money and abandon the building, then the developers come in and buy the raggedy run down dilapidated building for pennies and gut it because the ghettos have the best brick not prefabricated brick, put new floors in, stainless steel appliances, paint it, fence it in and update the front of the building and now they can charge exorbitant rents. Expensive is the Jim Crow way to say no black people. Can we say GENTRIFRICATION!

IF white racist people would admit that they don’t give a damn about rules, laws or policies all they care about is power. Power and control, especially over the black man like back in the slavery days, we could address the issues and make it better for everybody.

IF white racist people would admit that they are the ones sponsoring voter suppression and they don’t want black people to vote we wouldn’t need to pass a VOTERS RIGHTS ACT which was passed in 1965, and now they added John Lewis name on to it.

IF white racist people would admit that the justice system is fucked up and racist, especially when it comes to black people whom they profit from and love to control and get free labor from while holding them back from any opportunities to get ahead, we wouldn’t need the NAACP, the Civil Rights Justice Department or the National Urban League.

IF white racist people would admit that there is only a small percentage of black people in the country, yet we are the largest population in prison, 2 million to be exact. We wouldn’t need the Innocence project, or the Legal Defense Fund.

IF white racist people would admit that black owned business get the least amount of funding, or loans we wouldn’t need The Fearless Fund venture capital funds.

IF white racist people would admit that black owned media like Roland Martin get less than 1% of the trillion-dollar funding we wouldn’t need a National Association of Black journalists (NABJ) or the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC).

IF white racist people would admit that black people are most likely killed by police we wouldn’t have a need for the George Floyd Justice In Policing Act.

IF white racist people would stop killing us with polluted air, water, and food and admit that our neighborhoods are insufficient, underserved, and left to be ignored because of your racist ideologies, we wouldn’t need the Environmental Protection agency (EPA).

JUST BEING BLACK we have to explain who we are, what we’re doing, and why we’re here, in any kind of situation. Example: rapper and actor Ice-T pulled over for nothing in his Porsche right by the DMV where he was going with his paperwork to register his car. He had to show

(HIS PAPERS), and the officer still wanted to tow his car. RACISM, jealousy and police immunity caused this officer to act like a total ASSHOLE ken. Another officer intervened and told the officer just give him a ticket the ASSHOLE gave him 4.

JUST BEING BLACK at a hotel an old white lady spit on a young girl and told her she doesn’t belong there even though the old white lady wasn’t a guest and the girl was.

JUST BEING BLACK Tyreek Hill Miami Dolphin football player pulled over right by the stadium for nothing stomped on and handcuffed.

JUST BEING BLACK Snoop Doggy dog at the grocery store told to go back to Africa.

JUST BEING BLACK Oprah was in Switzerland in an upscale store and she asked to see an expensive bag and the woman told her that it was too expensive for her and refused to show it to her.

It seems to me that white racist people have a problem with black people no matter where we at, what we do, what we say or how we act.

I’ve come to realize it’s because of the JOY that we have in spite of what’s going on around us and white racist people are miserable despite having all the power, money and control in this world, even with all their lying, conniving, low-down manipulating, gaslighting and scheming ways.

Let’s start with their main issue with (DEI). For those of you who don’t really know what that stands for diversity, equity, inclusion. My definition is more straight forward. Different types of people who want to be included equally.

DIVERSITY-different types of people

INCLUSION-who wants to be included in decision making about their lives.


White racist people have a problem with Affirmative Action(AA)

White racist people have a problem with Critical Race Theory (CRT)

White racist people have a problem with Historically black colleges and universities. (HBCU)

White racist people DON’T have a problem with voter suppression, redlining, or gerrymandering.

The reason black people have a problem with white racist people is because these programs started because of your segregation, prejudice, racist and white supremacy laws and ways.

They want to eliminate these programs, so we don’t have a chance to live the American dream. They want to reverse every step of progress black people have made. Attacks against minority programs: Fear of competition, Fear of change, Fear of an equitable future.

Attacking private equity initiatives all across the country.

They are scared that we will be able to compete with them and win. They are taking away opportunities that will create jobs for minorities.



(in Loretta Devine voice from the movie jumping the broom)