Did you know that some of the clothes of today were originally hooker clothes?
Prostitutes wore certain outfits to show their wares; so to speak. Clothes have come a long way from being necessary to protect us from the elements to being about fashions, styles and status. Clothes can make us feel sexy, classy, or rich. Let’s look at how clothes got started. Let’s go way back into the past. Many of us know the story about Adam and Eve, but what some of us didn’t know is that before they ate from that apple they were naked. And when they came into the realization of their nakedness, it caused them to be embarrassed. So they made some clothes to cover their nakedness; hence the beginning of clothes.
Anthropologists are not quite certain when clothes were first worn but what they do know is that they were made from natural elements; like animal skin, fur, grass, leaves, and bones. It wasn’t until later that ready-made clothes were formed, when the needle was created out of bones and then later the sewing machine was invented.
Clothes today are no longer just for protecting us from the elements now, they are used for cultural and social status. Brands play a very important role, so much so that in the 90’s kids were killed for a pair of Nike’s. In today’s marketplace gym shoes are anywhere from $200-$1000 just because they have the name of a famous rapper, athlete, or musician. This is how clothes and other products first became a status symbol.
Photo by Criativithy on Pexels.com
All the girls want to dress, and be Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, or Rihanna. Fenty is Rihanna brand her makeup line is so expensive you almost need another job just to afford it, but girls buy it hoping to look like her. Queen Bey is known for wearing clothes that’s barely covering her body and she look good in it, and that is fine if you on stage performing, but for everyday wear not so much.
Buying these products from their idols is purely to say that I can afford this. It’s a status symbol, bragging rights, now don’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong with buying what you like and what you can afford, but when it’s used to make you feel like you are better than someone else that’s when it becomes an emotional problem. There are so many people going broke, can’t pay their bills and is financially in debt trying to prove to people they got it like that. A lot of people don’t feel good unless they wearing name brands, it makes them feel less than, these types of people have a low self-esteem. Women who feel like this dress so provocative to get that attention they screaming for. They think looking like Beyoncé will get the love they so desperately want, not knowing that it’s not the kind of love they really want. Parents working themselves to death just so they can buy their kids these expensive clothes. Clothes that are so seductive and tantalizing you can’t tell the prostitutes from the decent women. These 2 outfits are classy and sexy but for adults.
Photo by Godisable Jacob on Pexels.com
As the years come and go, clothes that were worn by adults, are now being worn by children. These days you can walk in any store and see adult style clothes in children sizes and we say “Awwe that’s so cute” but really it’s causing our kids to grow up too fast. As a parent we should know better, but we fall for the “everybody else is wearing it” and unfortunately it’s true but who is the parent. As a parent we need to have standards, if we want to protect our kids then we must be more than their friends. You can tell the parents that are friends only, because you will see 13 or 14 year old’s dressed so sexy that you wonder where her mother is. How did she let her out wearing this? And I know some kids sneak out wearing these clothes but not all of them.
When my daughter told me that I said “I don’t care what the style is or who wearing it you won’t be wearing that”. Unfortunately; in a lot of cases the mother is dressed like the daughter too, because they besties not mother and daughter. Moma got on leggings so tight they look like a second skin, you can see the hairs, the split and the monkey. (This a old school word ask your mother she’ll know what a monkey is) LOL
Now I realize this trend started with the yoga pants. I believe it all started with the soccer mom. One day she was wearing her yoga pants and she was running late and she had to pick up the kids from practice, and went straight from yoga class to practice with her yoga pants on, and she noticed she got a lot of attention from the men and probably some sneers from the other mothers, and now it becomes the style by default. Everybody started wearing them and I mean everybody even people who shouldn’t wear them including myself. The question is anybody doing yoga, I think not, we just wearing the yoga pants. In the 60’s and the 70’s yoga pants were what prostitutes wore to show the men what they was paying for, only difference now is they wore stincils with them that’s what I call them (stilettos). LOL
There are plenty of cute outfits you can wear without looking like you working on the corner, and remember most of those clothes are for fashion shows, entertaining and modeling not every day wear honey. Here is a true test on should you wear this or not. Can I wear this for a job interview, to meet my boyfriend’s parents, or church; if the answer is no, then you probably shouldn’t wear it. I love looking good, cute, sexy, and classy but within reason. Remember most fashion designers don’t really live in the real world. They not shopping at the grocery store, or picking up the kids they got assistants for that kind of stuff.
Photo by Alexandra Maria on Pexels.com
Some of the stuff is way out there and the bigger their imagination is, the more successful they usually are. So use a little common sense when you are trying out these styles. Eyelashes long as brushes like Queen Bey wore in her Black is King video just won’t work driving, you might kill yourself because you blind. I’m just saying. LOL
I consider myself a fashion conscious person and I love looking at the different magazines like; Cosmopolitan, glamour, essence, and vogue; just to name a few, but sometimes they have styles that are just not realistic given the fact that I may not have the body for that style, or look good in that color or even want to wear stuff that shows every part of my body, so I use my common sense and choose wisely and adjust it for me. Vera Wang, Chanel, Sara J Parker have a lot of styles I admire, and I wish I could look like them, but unfortunately I don’t have $2000 for a pair of shoes, so I find a style similar to that and make it my own style and I’m fine with that.
The most important thing is this, a lady never shows everything she has, and we should always leave a little bit of mystery until we get married. Now when you get married you can swing from the chandeliers, because the bible says the marriage bed is undefiled, so if you want to get married stop showing everything you got to whoever will look, because a real man who loves you don’t want everybody to see what he got. Ladies we need to show our daughters how to respect and love themselves enough that they won’t degrade themselves by looking like a floozy (another old term young people have to ask their mother) LOL Men like a challenge, don’t make it so easy for him.
I hope everybody enjoyed my first blog. I will be writing yall soon just remember this is coming from a black 64 year old women who has been all around the world, so my perspectives come from experience as well as what’s happening in our world today. I am a history person who loves to know where and why things happened so I will always have a little trivia at the end of my blog just for fun. May God bless each and every one of you and always remember we all got something and we all need Jesus. Love Sharon
Did you know that Ralph Lauren real name is Ralph Lifshitz?
Did you know Chanel real name is Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel?
Did you know Christian Louboutin got his idea of the red bottom shoes from his secretary who was painting her nails red, he grabbed her polish and painted the heel red and the rest is expensive history?