Bismarck, North Dakota has a population of 74,138 as of 2021. People just imagine if all of a sudden that city disappeared, there would be all kinds of investigations from every alphabet known to man. The FBI, the CIA, and a full fledge government investigation, until they found out what happened to all the people right! Yet there hasn’t been nothing, not a peep, not an amber warning, not even a picture on a carton of milk. I bet most of us never knew about all these kids, I know I didn’t, but when a white girl is missing they bring out the national guards, the secret service and every available law enforcement known to mankind.
Why? Because they don’t see us as human, so who cares if these black girls are missing. It’s one less nigga, one less black poor welfare girl with babies taking their hard-earned money. Right!
According to the latest figures from the FBI’s national crime information center database, more than 70,000 black boys and girls are missing as of March 18, 2022.
What’s more disheartening is that Law enforcement and the media don’t even report them the same as they do for white girls. Some white people are always saying why do we bring up race in everything, and we will continue to, because race has everything to do with everything.
When black girls go missing they say that they ran away, because they momma or daddy is on drugs, or they were being abused, but when you look at the statistics, it shows that there is just as much abuse in white families as there are in black; and sometimes even more; it just doesn’t get reported.
Did you know that many of these girls have been trafficked, exploited by pimps or drug dealers, and even kidnapped, but nobody is looking for them all over the world, or searching the neighborhoods, or having their names attached to a hash tag?
We all should be shouting from the rafters about 77,000 of our black girls missing, but who is listening to us.
Fortunately or unfortunately, for the ones we are able to save; they come back having been defiled in some of the most horrendous ways imaginable; whether it’s mental, psychological or physical and sometimes all three.
Then the system violates them even more by asking them to testify in court in front of their abuser. Victimized again in the name of justice.
Where are all the people saying; say her name.
You can say Gabby Petito and everybody knows who she is, because the whole world was looking for her, even people who didn’t even know her; were flying in to help find her. Now don’t get me wrong, or think that I’m cold and don’t care; but where is all this effort for these young black boys and girls missing. Some of these girls were being trafficked for their organs for rich white people, and they were kidnapping them for their uterus, because these rich white women couldn’t have babies, and there were some incidents where some of the young girls were left for dead missing kidneys, and other organs.
Can that be possible?
Absolutely, since we are not considered human by any means or stretch of the imagination to most white people.
We see this every day when white people feel like we shouldn’t live like them, eat like them, drive like them, travel like them or even exist like them, but only to be used for their pleasure, or when they need a photo op to look woke, or unified, or they get funding for being diversified, then we matter.
FBI say the first 24 hours are critical to finding these kids.
Well hundreds of hours have passed and what are we doing?
Well I won’t say nothing. What we need to see is a call to action from every agency imaginable, nationwide, statewide, and international. We want to see some diligent searching like they would do if it was their children. Don’t try to appease us with minimal effort in public just to get elected again and again. As Fannie Lou Hamer said we are sick and tired of being sick and tired. What we are starting to realize is, we have to stop looking for yall to be our save a ho to come in and save us, we have to save ourselves, and we have to look out for ourselves; our children, and our communities.
16% of Ohio youth are Black, but 61% of state’s missing kids are Black.
America’s Black Children are missing at Disproportionately High Rates!!!
Checklist: What You Should Do When Your Child Is First Missing
https://ojjdp.ojp.gov › pubs › childismissing › introck
Your Role in the Search: The First 48 Hours.
https://ojjdp.ojp.gov › pubs › childismissing › introck